Real Life Theology Podcast

Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World


7 days ago

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Today’s episode will help us thoughtfully engage with political issues as Christians, balancing our convictions with respect for differing views and prioritizing unity within the church.
In this video, John and Daniel tackle the important question of whether Christians should care about political matters. They explore the real-world implications of political decisions on communities and the responsibility of Christians to engage with cultural and political issues rather than retreating. Through a critical lens, they discuss the balance between political engagement and maintaining the central focus on the teachings of Jesus. They also touch on the role of personal convictions in voting, using the framework of essential, important, and personal elements to discern what is worth discussing and debating within the Christian faith.
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Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Initial Greetings06:08 Discipleship and Political Influence08:33 Biblical Worldview and Political Preferences14:50 Essential, Important, and Personal Convictions22:23 Navigating Political and Cultural Divides29:56 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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See below for a more comprehensive discussion of this topic: In the episode titled "Politics Interview 6: Should we try to influence how fellow Christians vote?" the hosts engage in a discussion about the relationship between Christian values and political engagement. They explore whether Christians should involve themselves in politics and if it's appropriate to influence the voting behavior of fellow believers.The conversation begins with some friendly banter between John and Daniel, setting a relaxed tone. Daniel questions whether Christians should care about politics, and John responds emphatically, arguing that political decisions have significant real-world consequences that Christians cannot afford to ignore.
They then discuss the Paris Olympics controversy, where a drag queen portrayed the Last Supper, sparking outrage. Whoopi Goldberg’s suggestion to simply “turn the TV off” if offended prompts a debate about political disengagement. Both agree that while stepping back occasionally can be good for mental health, complete disengagement is irresponsible for Christians. They advocate for a balanced approach where Christians engage with culture, uphold biblical values, and maintain healthy boundaries.
John shares a personal story about his brother, who decided to limit his consumption of political news to improve his mental health and better love those around him, even if they had differing political opinions. This highlights the need for balance between political involvement and personal well-being.
The discussion then shifts to whether discipling relationships should involve guidance on how to vote. John shares his experience, emphasizing that he prefers to guide people through critical thinking and values rather than telling them how to vote. Daniel agrees, stressing that Christianity should inform political convictions without being tied to partisan politics. They both highlight the importance of focusing on core values over specific policies.
John and Daniel introduce the framework, which categorizes issues into "Essential," "Important," and "Personal." This framework helps Christians differentiate between core biblical principles and their contemporary applications, encouraging respectful and thoughtful political discussions within the church.
As a concrete example, John discusses the division among Christians over mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, lamenting how differences of opinion led some to leave their churches. He underscores the importance of practicing the principles of Romans 14, which call for accepting one another despite differing convictions.
The episode concludes with a call for Christians to approach political issues with respect and grace, prioritizing unity in the church over political alignment. The hosts emphasize that while political decisions should be prayerful and aligned with biblical values, Christians must also maintain love and respect for those with differing views. Ultimately, the episode encourages Christians to engage thoughtfully and respectfully with political issues, always rooted in biblical truth.
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Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Bridge Building Apologetics: Navigating Faith and Politics with Lindsey Medenwaldt
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Join us for an insightful discussion with Lindsey Medenwaldt, author of 'Bridge Building Apologetics' and director of operations at Mama Bear Apologetics, as she explains the importance of maintaining friendships despite deep disagreements, whether on religion or politics. Lindsey shares personal anecdotes, practical advice, and the significance of listening and understanding in fostering healthy dialogues. Learn how to have productive conversations, stand firm in your beliefs, and still keep your friends.
Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: 
Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction to Lindsey Medenwaldt and Her Work00:26 The Concept of Bridge Building Apologetics01:39 Personal Stories of Disagreement and Friendship03:54 Challenges in Modern Dialogue06:32 Understanding Different Political Perspectives08:31 The Importance of Genuine Conversations10:57 The Role of Empathy and Respect16:05 Spiritual and Emotional Preparedness21:37 The Power of Listening and Friendship24:37 Concluding Thoughts on Bridge Building
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This episode features an in-depth interview with Lindsey Medenwaldt, author of "Bridge Building Apologetics," Director of Operations at Mama Bear Apologetics, and writing instructor at Northwestern College. The discussion centers on "bridge building apologetics," a method designed to foster meaningful dialogue and connections despite differing beliefs, particularly in religion and politics.
Daniel McCoy opens the interview by introducing Lindsey and her impressive background. He asks Lindsey to explain the concept of "bridge building apologetics" and its significance in today's divisive climate. Lindsey describes it as speaking truth with love and maintaining friendships despite disagreements on significant issues like religion and politics, encouraging a culture of respectful dialogue.John Whittaker joins the conversation, asking Lindsey to share a personal story illustrating her approach. Lindsey recounts her interactions with atheists, both online and in person, emphasizing mutual respect. She notes that respectful discourse is often lacking within Christian communities and stresses the importance of embodying Christ-like characteristics in disagreements.
The discussion shifts to political polarization. Using hypothetical characters, McCoy explores the fears, hopes, and narratives of Republicans and Democrats. Lindsey highlights the dangers of assuming homogeneity within political groups and stresses the importance of personal conversations to understand individual beliefs and experiences.
Lindsey and John discuss the importance of listening well, referencing Francis Schaeffer's idea of spending most of a conversation listening rather than speaking. They agree that many conflicts could be diffused by prioritizing understanding over winning an argument.
The conversation turns to practical applications of bridge-building apologetics. Lindsey advises against taking hostility personally, recognizing that others' anger may stem from past hurt or misunderstandings. She encourages Christians to stand firm in their faith while respecting others' perspectives and maintaining a heart of peace.
The episode ends with a shared emphasis on prioritizing the gospel in all interactions. Lindsey and John agree on embodying Christian values in political discussions and everyday life, fostering a culture of understanding and respect.
In summary, this episode delves into "bridge building apologetics," highlighting listening, respect, and genuine care as essential to overcoming divisions in today's polarized political and religious landscape. Lindsey Medenwalt and her co-hosts offer valuable insights and practical advice for maintaining meaningful connections amidst disagreements, always pointing back to the gospel.
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Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

Navigating Election Season as a Christian Leader
Have you experienced Disunity in your Church? 
What do you think are some practical steps church leaders can take to foster unity within their congregations during politically divisive times?
Join Daniel as he interviews Ben Cachiaras from Mountain Christian Church in the Baltimore area on how lead ministers can navigate the chaos of election seasons. Ben emphasizes three main principles: the importance of unity within the church, maintaining Jesus' lordship above political affiliations, and leveraging the cultural moment to focus on gospel mission. He provides practical advice and anecdotes on fostering unity and handling social media as a pastor, urging leaders to keep the gospel at the center despite the political climate.
Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: 
Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction02:48 The Importance of Unity in the Church07:18 Practical Steps to Foster Unity26:20 The Role of Social Media in Christian Discourse31:05 Deciding When to Address Cultural Issues35:06 Concluding Thoughts and Encouragement
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This episode features an in-depth conversation between Daniel from Renew-Org and Ben Cachiaras, a respected church leader from Mountain Christian Church in Baltimore. The discussion focuses on how church leaders can navigate the complexities and divisiveness of an election season, particularly when political issues infiltrate religious communities.
The episode opens with Daniel asking Ben to share three main principles that church leaders should follow during chaotic election seasons. Ben emphasizes the importance of unity within the church, noting that the polarization seen in society has seeped into religious communities. He stresses that maintaining unity is essential for the church's witness to the gospel and recounts Jesus' plea for unity in John 17. Ben also references the Apostle Paul's teachings in Ephesians 4, urging leaders to work diligently to keep their communities united in a spirit of peace.
Daniel and Ben agree that leaders should not remain silent on contentious issues, as their congregations are heavily influenced by media outlets like Fox News and CNN. Ben underscores the necessity for church leaders to address political and social issues thoughtfully, without being partisan, to avoid damaging the church's gospel message.
The conversation then turns to the role of social media in amplifying divisive behaviors. Both hosts discuss how Christians often behave aggressively online in ways they wouldn't in face-to-face interactions. Ben suggests that church leaders should directly address proper social media usage in their teachings, reminding congregants that their online behavior should reflect Christian values. He proposes using passages like Colossians 3, which urges believers to rid themselves of anger and slander, to guide social media conduct.
Throughout the episode, Ben touches on the broader theme of maintaining focus on the gospel during election seasons. He warns against the dangers of mixing politics with Christianity, as it can alienate those the church aims to reach. Ben points out that while political engagement is important, the church's primary mission is to make disciples and spread the gospel.
To illustrate his points, Ben uses biblical passages such as Romans 14, emphasizing that disagreements over non-essential issues, like policies or political stances, should not lead to division. He stresses the need for church leaders to elevate their congregations' perspectives, urging them to remember their ultimate citizenship in heaven and the importance of their witness on earth.
As the episode concludes, Ben addresses how to decide which cultural issues to address from the pulpit. He believes that when an issue is prominent in everyone's minds and has significant implications for the church, it should be discussed. Ben also highlights the need for preachers to remind their congregations of the overarching vision of God’s sovereignty, no matter who holds political power, referencing Isaiah 6.
The episode wraps up with a call to prayer for wisdom, as church leaders face the challenge of guiding their communities through politically turbulent times. Ben's insights provide a thoughtful framework for balancing political engagement with maintaining the core mission of the church, offering practical advice and biblical grounding for church leaders navigating election seasons.
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Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

Balancing Faith and Politics: Leading with Christ-Centric Integrity
“Today’s episode will help us focus on ways to keep Christ at the center amidst political pressure.” 
Join Jason Ishmael, lead pastor of Antioch Christian Church, as he discusses his first Iowa caucus season, navigating faith and politics. Alongside editorial director Daniel McCoy and John Whitaker, co-author of 'Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World,' they go into keeping Christ at the center amidst political pressures. Jason emphasizes discipleship, maintaining integrity, and avoiding the pitfalls of political endorsements, while sharing insights on church-state dynamics and the necessity of a mission-focused approach.
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Watch the Video:
00:00 Introduction and Guest Introductions
00:20 Navigating the Iowa Caucus as a Church Leader
01:30 Balancing Faith and Political Engagement
03:18 Challenges of Political Endorsements in Church
07:36 Maintaining Mission Focus Amidst Political Pressure
18:59 Historical Perspectives on Church and State
24:12 Addressing LGBTQ Issues in the Church
30:58 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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Today's episode features a discussion among three speakers—Daniel McCoy, John Whitaker, and Jason Ishmael—who explore the complexities and challenges of navigating church leadership, political involvement, and maintaining the integrity of their mission as Christian leaders. Daniel McCoy introduces Jason Ishmael, the lead pastor of Antioch Christian Church in Iowa, and himself as the editorial director for, with insights also contributed by John Whitaker. The conversation begins with Jason Ishmael sharing his experiences during the Iowa caucus season, where political candidates often seek to speak at churches, highlighting the pressures and potential consequences of such engagements. Jason emphasizes the importance of keeping the church’s primary mission—building relationships with God and discipling others—at the forefront, warning against the risks of political endorsements that could alienate members of the congregation.
The discussion continues with a focus on how political activities can sometimes conflict with the mission of making disciples. Jason stresses the value of personal conversations and discipleship over political posturing. The speakers then touch on the historical context of church and state dynamics, noting the dangers when the church has too much political power, which can lead to corruption. Jason shares insights from a sermon series titled "Freedom and Fences," which addressed LGBTQ issues, emphasizing the need to handle such topics with grace and ensure that church doctrine aligns with scripture. The video concludes with John Whitaker reflecting on the church's overarching goal of forming individuals in Christ, reinforcing the importance of a disciple-centered mission, and the necessity of balancing grace and truth in all matters, particularly in politically charged environments. The discussion underscores the need for church leaders to navigate these challenges with a focus on discipleship, mission integrity, and a commitment to approaching every issue with grace and truth.
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Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Navigating Faith and Politics: A Conversation with Justin Jordan
“Today’s episode will help us navigate faith and politics with critical thinking, grace, and a focus on biblical principles in a politically divided world.”
We are kicking off a brand new series talking about how to Follow Jesus in a Politically Divided world. John Whitaker, along with Daniel McCoy and Justin Jordan, pastor at Real Life Ministries Treasure Valley in Meridian, Idaho, discusses Justin's recent sermon series on following Jesus in a politically divided world. The conversation dives into the importance of critical thinking, understanding scripture, and engaging in relationships beyond political divides. Justin emphasizes the need to prioritize God's kingdom and how navigating discussions around justice, mercy, and community engagement can help believers grow in Christ-likeness and influence society positively.
Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: 
Key Takeaways 
00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction
00:14 The Sermon Series: Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World
01:12 Engaging as Disciples, Not Just Voters
03:19 Challenges and Receptivity in the Congregation
04:48 The Role of the Kingdom of God in Politics
08:36 Navigating Difficult Conversations with Grace
20:45 Practical Examples of Justice and Mercy
31:50 Final Thoughts and Advice for Church Leaders
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This episode begins with John Whitaker introducing the panel and setting the stage for the conversation. Justin Jordan, a pastor at Real Life Ministries Treasure Valley in Meridian, Idaho, shares his experiences and insights from his recent sermon series about following Jesus in a politically charged environment. He explains that the series aimed not to dictate how to vote but to encourage believers to engage thoughtfully and biblically in the political realm. The conversation then shifts to why it's significant to teach Christians to think critically about scripture and God's kingdom rather than simply adopting the views of their preferred political analysts.
Daniel McCoy engages Justin in a thought-provoking discussion about the importance of not swaying to either political side purely out of comfort or refuge. Justin stresses the critical role of scripture in guiding believers to think deeply and engage with both sides of the political spectrum, highlighting that following Jesus' teachings often means embracing ideas that challenge the status quo of both major political factions.
Throughout the interview, John and Daniel prompt Justin to reflect on the reactions of his congregation to his sermon series. Justin reveals that while some congregants were resistant at first, there was a significant group eager to learn how to handle political conversations with grace and biblical insight. This willingness to engage stems from their experiences with political division and the desire to navigate these conversations without fracturing relationships.
As the episode progresses, the conversation steers towards the practical outworking of justice and mercy in political engagement. Justin outlines that these concepts are fundamental to God's character and should consequently be integral to a Christian's life. He references scripture to back up the importance of caring for the oppressed, the hungry, and other marginalized groups, urging believers to actively embody these values in their communities.
The dialogue shifts to the role of Christians in politics and community service. Justin asserts that while voting is important, it's not enough. Christians are called to engage deeply and relationally within their communities, exemplifying God's justice and mercy. He shares practical examples from his church's initiatives, like their involvement with Meridian Food Bank and Stanton Healthcare, as well as their ongoing support for a local Title 1 school, Meridian Elementary.
The episode culminates with a discussion on the importance of nuanced, courageous leadership in church communities, especially in politically charged times. Justin advises church leaders to navigate these complex conversations with wisdom, starting with internal discussions among church leadership before addressing the broader congregation.
This episode is a compelling exploration of how Christians can faithfully engage in politics without compromising their spiritual integrity. Join us for this thought-provoking conversation that promises to inspire and challenge your perspectives on faith and politics.
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